2018 King Salmon Regulations Posted

The Alaska Department of Fish & Game has posted the regulations for resident and non-resident King Salmon retention.

The good news is that the retention regulations for the primary King Salmon fishing months of May and June will remain, as printed, in the regulations brochure.

1-King Salmon per day, with an annual limit of 3-King Salmon*

This regulation is in effect for both resident and non-resident anglers.  These limits will stay in effect until June 30, 2018.

July and August are when the Silver (Coho) Salmon start to arrive, in abundance, and the retention regulations for all salmon species are:

1-King Salmon per day, with an annual limit of 1-King Salmon (starting July 1, 2018)*
6-Silver Salmon per day, no annual limit

*To retain a King Salmon, the fish must be 28″ or greater.

From May through Sept, the Halibut, Ling Cod and Rockfish regulations remain the same:

1-Halibut per day, under 38″ or over 80″
1-Ling Cod per day, between 30″ and 35″
3-Pelagic Rockfish per day
2-Non-Pelagic Rockfish per day

There’s a lot of fishing and fish, and a lot of adventure in store for everyone who visits Alaska this summer.

Alaska Salmon Fishing

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